Humans don't always know when to stop, especially when something seems plentiful and delicious. Many extinctions have many causes, but some animals disappeared almost entirely because we just couldn't leave them alone
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Here we list 6 animals that are now extinct
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Flightless birds, Dodo, weighed about 23 kg and had blue-grey plumage and a large head. As per Britannica, Portuguese sailors decimated the dodo population as an easy source of fresh meat. The last dodo was killed in 1681
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Steller's Sea Cow was discovered in 1741 and it weighed 10 metric tons. Sea Cow was an easy target for the harpoons of Russian seal hunters. The species was exterminated by 1768
Image: Natural history museum
Passenger Pigeon was hunted to extinction in the early 1900s. The last known passenger pigeon, named Martha, died on Sept. 1, 1914, in the Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio
Image: X/@Alexix_special
Eurasian Aurochs was a large, wild ox that was hunted excessively and gradually. Last known Eurasian aurochs, a female, died in Poland in 1627 from natural causes
Image: Daniel Foidl
Great Auk was a flightless seabird. The specie were killed by rapacious hunters for food and bait, particularly during the early 1800s. The last specimens were killed in June 1844
Image: X/@Extinct_AnimaIs
The Woolly Mammoth is the best-known of all mammoth species. These massive animals died out around 7,500 years ago, after the end of the last Ice Age