6 Animals That Can Regenerate Body Parts

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28 April 2024

Many animals possess the remarkable ability to regrow lost or damaged body parts

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Here's a list of animals who can grow back lost body parts

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Axolotls are aquatic salamanders native to Mexico. They are known for their incredible regenerative abilities, capable of regrowing limbs, spinal cords, tails, jaws, and brains

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Starfish are another animal with impressive regenerative abilities. They can regenerate entire limbs, and some species can even regrow an entire body from a severed arm

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Wolverines have a remarkable ability to regenerate damaged tissue. Wolverines can heal from puncture wounds and broken bones much faster than humans

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Deer cannot regenerate limbs, they can regrow their antlers every year.  Deer antlers are made of bone and are covered in a layer of skin and velvet

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Flatworms are simple invertebrates with an amazing regenerative ability. They can be cut into multiple pieces, and each piece can regenerate into a complete flatworm

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Crayfish are crustaceans that can regenerate limbs and claws.  Crayfish regeneration is triggered by molting, the process of shedding their old exoskeleton

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