6 Historical Mysteries Solved By Scientists

Image: Unsplash

14 March 2024

Unveiling the secrets of the past has always been a challenge. However, with the help of technology and rapidly advancing AI, scientists achieved breakthroughs in 6 historical enigmas in 2023

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Here are six mysteries about human history that scientists have cracked in 2023

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A 5,000-year-old female skeleton, initially thought male due to burial items, surprised archaeologists in Seville, Spain. DNA testing revealed the true gender

Image: X/@alfonslopeztena

Using AI and computerised tomography, researchers at the University of Nebraska decoded the Herculaneum Scrolls. The research team used AI algorithms to analyze the CT scans, extracting the underlying text

Image: X/@OptimoPrincipi

Otzi the Iceman, a 5,300-year-old mummy found in the Otztal Alps, underwent DNA analysis, challenging preconceived notions about his appearance. The research revealed Otzi had dark skin, and eyes, and was bald

Image: X/@historyinmemes

Machu Picchu's mysteries have long captivated explorers. Cutting-edge LiDAR technology uncovered hidden structures and pathways within the ancient Incan citadel

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New Twist on the Nazca Lines! Advanced AI analysis suggests these enigmatic geoglyphs may have been part of a vast irrigation system

Image: X/@PodivejSe

After centuries of speculation, the purpose of Stonehenge was revealed. Using imaging techniques, scientists confirmed its celestial significance, revealing how it aligned with astronomical phenomena

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