Movies often show that superheroes live amongst humans and perform their incredible feats. They are either genetically mutated or blessed with some divine powers.
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Far from movies, there are real-life humans who have superpowers that defy any logic. Here is such a list:
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Gabby Gingras Born in Minnesota, US, Gingras has a rare nerve disorder that prevents pain sensations from reaching her brain.
Image: X/@BoydHuppert
Erman Delic Erman Delic shot to prominence when it was revealed that metal objects stuck to his body like magnets.
Image: X/@iam_teeto
Daniel Browning Smith Known as the "Rubber Boy", Daniel Browning Smith has 7 Guinness Records to his name. A rare disease allows him to squeeze his body into tight spaces.
Image: X/@nickson99_
Wim Hoff Popularly known as Iceman, Wim Hoff from the Netherlands is known for his ability to endure frigid cold temperatures.
Image: X/@DivineManhood
Ben Underwood Underwood's superpower was being able to see despite being blind using his echolocation skills. He unfortunately died in 2009.
Image: X/@VisionaryVoid
Stephen Wiltshire Autistic artist, Stephen Wiltshire, has a photographic memory that allows him to draw any skyline in detailed manner just by looking at it.