7 Animal Architects And Extraordinary Homes They Build
Image: Pexels
30 Dec 2024
Apart from humans, animals are also capable of displaying architecture capabilities. Using simple materials, they create homes that are not only functional but sometimes awe-inspiring.
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Here are 7 incredible animals that are capable of conjuring magic through their impressive building skills.
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Ants These hardworking creatures are known to build intricate underground colonies. A typical colony contains an egg-laying queen and many adult workers.
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Beaver One of the most popular architects of the animal kingdom. Beavers are know to build natural dams over water bodies using nothing but logs, branches and mud.
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Spider Spider webs are made from silk, a natural protein fiber produced by spiders using special organs on their abdomen. They are generally used to catch prey.
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Bee As per somee scientists, bee hives are the most efficient structures in nature. The honeycomb structure is made of hexagonal cells that are built from beeswax by honey bees.
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Praire dog Prairie dogs excavate their homes, digging burrows out of the ground. Their homes are built to withstand extreme temperatures, floods and fires.
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Corals Though not traditionally viewed as architecture, corals build massive , complex structures called coral reefs. Countless marine species seek refuge in these reefs.
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Weaver Weaver nests are known for their complex, woven appearance and are built by a variety of weaver bird species.