7 Animals Humans Ate Into Extinction

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27 August 2024

Humans are not always great at self-moderation, especially when things seem both bountiful and tasty

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Extinctions have many causes, however, some animals disappeared entirely because of the insatiable appetites of modern humans

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Here are 7 such animals that humans ate into extinction 

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Dodo birds were once bountiful on the islands of Mauritius and the Indian Ocean. However, after being hunted for its meat and eggs, the dodo went extinct by 1662

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Once abundant, the passenger pigeon was hunted to extinction for its meat and feathers. The last known passenger pigeon died in 1914, per Encyclopedia Britannica

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The great auk, a flightless seabird, was driven to extinction by hunting for its feathers and eggs. The last known specimen was killed in June 1844 for a museum collection

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Discovered in 1741, the Steller's Sea Cow was hunted to extinction just 27 years later, in 1768 

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The extinction of the Woolly Mammoth could be because of climate change, but there are also studies that suggest that humans may have also been a driving force 

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Baiji Dolphin was declared extinct in 2006 due to overfishing and habitat destruction. The last confirmed sighting was in 2004 

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