7 Carnivorous Plants That Eat Animals

Image: Unsplash

2 March 2025

While most plants rely on sunlight and soil nutrients, some have evolved to trap and digest insects—and even small animals—to survive in nutrient-poor environments

Image: X/@umbersorrow

Here are seven fascinating carnivorous plants:

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Venus Flytrap: One of the most well-known carnivorous plants, it has jaw-like leaves that snap shut when triggered by an unsuspecting insect

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Pitcher Plant: These plants have deep, liquid-filled chambers that lure insects inside, where they drown and get digested

Image: X/@thorogoodchris1

Sundew: Covered in sticky, glandular hairs, sundews trap insects with their dew-like secretions and slowly digest them

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Butterwort: With sticky, greasy leaves, this plant catches small insects and digests them with enzymes

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Bladderwort: Found in water, bladderworts use vacuum-powered bladders to suck in tiny aquatic prey in milliseconds

Image: X/@RichLeighton

Cobra Lily: Named for its snake-like appearance, this plant has a twisted, slippery entrance that confuses insects, leading them into its digestive chamber

Image: X/@thorogoodchris1

Waterwheel Plant: A rare, aquatic cousin of the Venus flytrap, it has snapping traps that catch small water-dwelling creatures

Image: X/@umbersorrow

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