7 Low-Sugar Fruits To Enjoy Without Guilt

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25 July 2024

Maintaining a diet low in sugar is essential for many people, whether for managing diabetes, losing weight, or simply maintaining overall health

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While fruits are a vital part of a healthy diet, some are higher in sugar than others

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Here are seven fruits that are low in sugar, allowing you to enjoy their nutritional benefits without spiking your blood sugar levels

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Surprisingly, avocados are fruits and are extremely low in sugar. One whole avocado contains less than 1 gram of sugar. They are also rich in healthy fats, fiber, and various essential nutrients

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Kiwi is a tropical fruit that contains around 6 grams of sugar per medium-sized fruit

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Peaches are a sweet yet low-sugar fruit, containing about 13 grams of sugar per medium-sized peach. They are rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber

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Half a medium grapefruit contains approximately 8-9 grams of sugar. Grapefruits are high in vitamins A and C, as well as fiber, which can help regulate blood sugar levels

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A cup of diced papaya contains around 8 grams of sugar. Papayas are rich in vitamins A and C, folate, and fiber, which contribute to overall health and can help manage blood sugar levels

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Berries are low in sugar compared to many other fruits. A cup of strawberries contains about 7 grams of sugar, while raspberries and blackberries contain around 5-7 grams of sugar per cup

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