7 Ways To Ease Post-Workout Muscle Soreness

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9 Mar 2025

Muscle soreness is a common problem that gym-goers often face. Here are 7 ways you can reduce muscle stiffness and tightness.

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Stretching: Often underlooked during a workout, it is important to stretch every muscle so that soreness can be avoided.

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Foam rolling: Using a foam roller to massage sore muscles can help get rid of stiffness. It also increases blood circulation.

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Hydration: Drinking plenty of fluids with electrolytes, both during and after the workout is necessary to avoid muscle soreness.

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Massage: Getting a massage can help get rid of body tightness and muscle knots.

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Warm water bath: A warm water bath relaxes the muscles and gives you a soothing feeling.

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Yoga: Doing yoga can help increase blood flow to muscles and flush out lactic acid, thereby reducing stiffness.

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Cold water therapy: Most athletes prefer cold water therapy after a gruelling game or workout to give muscles the full chance at recovery. 

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