8 Do's And Don'ts For Plane Passengers 

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30 August 2024

When travelling on a plane, passengers should follow some basic etiquette and do their best to accommodate and not disturb or trouble anyone seated around them

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Here are some essential do's and don'ts to remember the next time you take to the skies 

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Respect personal space: Avoid leaning excessively into neighbouring seats or hogging the armrest and refrain from sprawling out beyond your allotted area

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Stow luggage properly: Overhead bin space is limited and shared. Place bags in the designated compartments with care, ensuring they can close

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Use headphones: This prevents unwanted sounds for others and ensures a quieter environment for those around you

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Dine respectfully: If you bring snacks along with you, avoid strong-smelling foods that may cause discomfort to those nearby

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Avoid consuming excess alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to disruptive behaviour and discomfort for fellow passengers

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Avoid reclining without consideration: Before reclining, consider the impact it may have on those seated behind you, especially during meal times or when using electronic devices

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Don't disrespect the deplaning order: Wait your turn to exit the aircraft, allowing passengers with tight connections to deplane first

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Avoid shouting or talking excessively: Be mindful of your volume when speaking to fellow passengers and avoid unnecessary disturbances

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