8 Fascinating Facts About Owls

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: Pexels

Owls have excellent night vision because they have many retinal rods, which absorb dim light

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They also have a layer of tissue called "eyeshine" behind their retinas that reflects light

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Many owls have ears that are at different heights and angles, which helps them pinpoint the direction and height of a sound

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Owls have soft feathers with velvety edges that absorb sound, allowing them to fly silently

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They are farsighted, meaning they can see details at a distance but have trouble seeing things up close

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The owl's large, forward-facing eyes provide excellent binocular vision, which enhances their depth perception

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Barn owls swallow their prey whole, including the skin and bones. They then cough up pellets of indigestible matter

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Owls can rotate their heads up to 270 degrees, a remarkable adaptation that allows them to see in all directions without moving their bodies

Image: Pexels

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