8 Rarest Animals In The World 

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The spoon-billed sandpiper, a small wader, which breeds on the coasts of the Bering Sea and winters in Southeast Asia

Image: ultimatekilimanjaro.com

The gharial, also known as gavial or fish-eating crocodile, is a crocodilian in the family Gavialidae 

Image: ultimatekilimanjaro.com

Discovered recently in 2017 in North Sumatra, Indonesia, the Tapanuli Orangutan is the most endangered great ape species

Image: ultimatekilimanjaro.com

The California Condor, North America's largest land bird, has made a remarkable comeback from the brink of extinction

Image: ultimatekilimanjaro.com

The Bamboo Lemur is native to Madagascar. It is critically endangered due to habitat destruction and hunting

Image: ultimatekilimanjaro.com

The Sumatran Tiger is the smallest of all tiger subspecies. It roams the forests of Sumatra, Indonesia

Image: ultimatekilimanjaro.com

The Red Wolf is native to the southeastern United States and is critically endangered, with a few individuals reintroduced into the wild

Image: ultimatekilimanjaro.com

In the temperate forests of the Russian Far East and China, the rare Amur Leopard faces extinction

Image: ultimatekilimanjaro.com

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