8 Strongest Birds On Earth 

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23 September 2024

Birds are known for their grace and beauty, but some are also incredibly powerful, dominating the skies with their strength and predatory skills

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Here, we explore eight of the strongest birds on Earth

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Harpy Eagle stands as one of the most powerful birds of prey in the world. It possesses massive talons, which are larger than a grizzly bear's claws, and can exert tremendous force

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The Bald Eagle, is known for its impressive hunting ability and strength. Although primarily a fish-eater, this eagle can carry prey weighing up to half its own body weight

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Among the largest eagles, the Steller's Sea Eagle reigns as a true powerhouse. Native to coastal regions of eastern Russia and Japan, it weighs up to 20 pounds with a wingspan of nearly 8 feet

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The Golden Eagle weighs between 6 to 15 pounds with a wingspan that can reach 7.5 feet, the Golden Eagle is renowned for its ability to take down prey several times its size

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The Great Horned Owl is one of the strongest and most aggressive birds of prey. Found across the Americas, this owl has a wingspan of up to 5 feet and can weigh between 3 to 5 pounds

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The Gyrfalcon is the largest of all falcon species and one of the strongest hunters in the Arctic regions. Weighing up to 3 pounds with a wingspan of up to 4.5 feet, this bird is built for endurance and speed

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The most powerful owls in the world, the Eurasian Eagle-Owl has a wingspan of up to 6.5 feet and weighs between 6 to 10 pounds

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The Martial Eagle is Africa's largest and strongest eagle. This eagle preys on large animals, including impalas, monkeys, and even young antelopes

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