8 World's Largest Countries By Land Area

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28 July 2024

The world is home to vast and diverse landscapes, with some countries spanning millions of square kilometers. Here are the eight largest countries by land area, according to a report by Statista

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Approximately 17.1 million square kilometers, Russia is the largest country in the world, covering more than one-eighth of Earth's inhabited land area

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Approximately 9.98 million square kilometers, Canada, the second-largest country, known for its vast wilderness, including the Rocky Mountains, Great Lakes, and Arctic tundra

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Approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, China is the third-largest country, featuring diverse landscapes such as the Himalayas, the Gobi Desert, and extensive river systems like the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers

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Approximately 9.53 million square kilometers, the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, ranks fourth in size

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Approximately 8.51 million square kilometers, Brazil is home to the Amazon Rainforest, the Pantanal wetlands, and extensive coastlines along the Atlantic Ocean

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Approximately 7.69 million square kilometers, Australia, is the smallest continent but it is the sixth-largest country

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Approximately 3.29 million square kilometers, India is the seventh-largest country

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Approximately 2.78 million square kilometers, Argentina, the eighth-largest country, boasts varied landscapes from the Andes mountains to the Pampas grasslands and the Patagonian desert

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