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27 March 2024

On April 8, 2024, the Moon will steal the show from Sun during the total solar eclipse

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But that's not the only thing that will amaze you that day

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Since the sky will go dark during totality, other bright planets will also be visible

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These are Venus and Jupiter. While Venus will be to the lower right of the Sun, Jupiter will be to the upper left

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Additionally, comet 12P Pons-Brooks will also put on a wild show with its outbursts

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On that day, the comet will be near its closest point in its 71-year orbit to the Sun, known as perihelion

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During the eclipse, comet 12P might be visible to the right of Jupiter

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A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, completely blocking it

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The eclipse will be visible across parts of Mexico, Canada and the US - from Texas to Maine

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A total solar eclipse won't pass over a large part of the US again until 2044

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