All About Black Holes, Mysterious Cosmic Objects

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A black hole is an extremely dense object from which nothing, not even light, can escape

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These mysterious cosmic objects are not really holes, but huge concentrations of matter packed into very tiny spaces

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A black hole's surface, called its event horizon, defines the boundary where the velocity needed to escape exceeds the speed of light

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Black holes don't emit or reflect light, which makes them effectively invisible to telescopes

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Astronomers don't exactly see black holes directly. They observe its presence by its effect on its surroundings

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Nearest known black hole, Gaia BH1, is about 1,500 light years away, while the farthest, QSO J0313-1806, is 13 billion light years away

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There are two basic classes of black holes - stellar-mass black holes, and supermassive black holes

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Stellar-mass black holes are three to dozens of times the Sun's mass and are spread throughout the Milky Way

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Supermassive black holes weigh 100,000 to billions of solar masses and are found in the centres of most big galaxies, including the Milky Way

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Image Credit: NASA