All About Switzerland's Portable Suicide Pods 

Image: AFP

25 July 2024

An assisted dying group expects a portable suicide pod to be used for the first time in Switzerland, potentially within months, providing death without medical supervision

Image: AFP

The space-age-looking Sarco capsule, first unveiled in 2019, replaces the oxygen inside it with nitrogen, causing death by hypoxia. It costs $20 to use

Image: AFP

The person wishing to die must first pass a psychiatric assessment of their mental capacity -- a key legal requirement

Image: AFP

The person climbs into the purple capsule, closes the lid, and is asked automated questions such as who they are, where they are and if they know what happens when they press the button

Image: AFP

Once the button is pressed, the amount of oxygen in the air plummets from 21 per cent to 0.05 per cent in less than 30 seconds

Image: AFP

The Sarco monitors the oxygen level in the capsule, the person's heart rate and the oxygen saturation of the blood

Image: AFP

As for someone changing their mind at the very last minute, experts said, "Once you press that button, there's no way of going back."

Image: AFP

No decision has been made over the date and location of the first death, or who the first user might be

Image: AFP

The minimum age limit is 50, but exceptions can be made for seriously ill individuals over 18

Image: AFP

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