All About Zolgensma, The Rs 17 Crore Jab


14 May 2024

A whopping Rs 17 crore for a single jab! That's the cost of one Zolgensma injection used for children under two suffering from spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)

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Zolgensma is one of the world's most expensive drugs and is the only treatment that addresses the genetic cause of SMA 

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It is a type of gene therapy, which means it replaces a faulty or nonworking gene to cure a disease, as per the European Medicines Agency

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It falls into the category of personalised or precision medicine because it is a drug that targets specific problems caused by a person's unique genetic code

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Zolgensma is a one-time infusion administered over one hour, aiming to improve muscle movement and developmental milestones in SMA patients

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Zolgensma costs $2.1 million in the United States. Its high cost is due to the extensive research and development involved, Forbes reported

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Moreover, the limited market size and its potential to save lives also contribute to the high price

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Zolgensma is specifically designed for children under two who are diagnosed with SMA through genetic testing

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Though it is yet to be approved in India, PTI reported that about 90 children have received Zolgensma in the last few years

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The drug can only be imported following a doctor's recommendation and government approval

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Worldwide, the incidence of SMA is one in 10,000 live-born babies and is the leading cause of death in the infantile age group

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