Amazing Facts About Devilfish

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17 September 2024

World observes Manta Day on September 17 every year. This day is dedicated to raise awareness about Manta Rays also known as Devilfish and the dangers they face

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Manta Rays are giant, flat fish with long fins. This species can be found in many parts of the Great Barrier Reef 

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The Manta Rays is one of the most fascinating and majestic sea creatures that live on planet earth

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These fishes eat krill and zooplankton and to catch their food, they sometimes form long chains and swim in circle

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These beautiful rays are filter feeders, which means they feed on tiny crustaceans such as Plankton and Segmented worms

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They have unique belly patterns that researchers uses to identify and track individual rays

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Manta Rays are covered in a mucous film that protects them from harmful bacteria, and if it gets removed it can leave the ray open to illness and damage their immune system

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Manta Rays are much larger than you may think, with some having a wingspan of up to 7-feet and weighing up to two tons

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Scientists are still baffled as to the reason why Manta Rays jump out of the water and put on an exceptional display

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