Animals That Can Be Spotted In Winter

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: Pexels

Snow leopards are best seen in winter because they follow their prey to lower altitudes

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Snow leopards live in the cold, snowy, and rugged alpine regions of central and south Asia

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Moose are more active in winter and can be spotted in the snow-covered forests of Canada, Scandinavia, and Russia

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Polar bears are most active in the winter because it's the best time to hunt seals

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When the water freezes, polar bears will leave the islands or mainland where they spent the summer and travel long distances

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Red foxes are active in the winter and use their sharp senses to find small mammals under the snow

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Emperor penguins are the only animal species that spend the entire year in Antarctica, including the harsh winter months

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They breed in the middle of winter, when weather conditions are the harshest

Image: Pexels

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