Animals That Can Devour Prey Twice Their Size

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: Pexels

Animal kingdom is full of species that can consume prey that is larger than themselves

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Here is a list of animals that can devour prey twice their size

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Tigers are ambush predators that use stealth and strength to take down their prey. They can kill and eat prey that are twice their size

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Leopards can carry prey that's up to twice their weight up a tree. They are stealthy, silent, and opportunistic hunters that use ambush tactics

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Lions can kill animals that weigh up to 450 kg. They are known for their powerful jaws and leg muscles, which allow them to drag larger animals over short distances

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Pythons can eat prey that are up to six times their size. They can swallow animals that are much larger than their heads

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Some sharks can eat prey that are much larger than themselves. Great white sharks are the world's largest predatory fish that have sharp teeth and jaws that can be used like forceps

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Dragonflies are some of the most efficient hunters in the insect world, catching up to 95% of their prey. They can lift twice their body weight

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