Animals That Can Pause Their Pregnancies

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: Pexels

Several species of animals can pause their pregnancies, a process known as embryonic diapause

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It can last from a few days to 11 months. It is an adaptive advantage that helps animals reproduce more successfully

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Here are some animals that can pause their pregnancies

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The tammar wallaby is the record holder for the longest pregnancy pause, with embryos that can be put on hold for up to 11 months

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Armadillos can also pause their pregnancies. This is a regular part of their reproductive cycles

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Kangaroos are also among the animals that can pause their pregnancy. This process can occur when food is scarce or another joey is still in the pouch

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Bears can pause their pregnancies. This allows them to synchronise the birth of their cubs with optimal environmental conditions

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Seals can also pause their pregnancies. This strategy allows the female seal to recover from a previous pregnancy

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