Animals That Can Swim, Fly And Walk

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Ducks are well-adapted to both aquatic and terrestrial environments, and can fly, swim, and walk

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Albatrosses are known to be exceptional flyers, proficient swimmers and they can also walk on land

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Swans are graceful swimmers with strong wings that allow them to fly, and they are known for their elegant walk on land

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Seagulls are coastal birds that have strong wings for flying and webbed feet for swimming. They can also walk on beaches and rocky shores

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Terns are known for their ability to swim and fly with ease, and can walk on sandy shores

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Pelicans are an excellent example of creatures that can both swim and fly. They can also walk on land

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Guillemots, noted for their slim and streamlined bodies, can fly and swim. They can also walk short distances

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Bats can fly with great agility, walk using their wings as front limbs, and some species are known to swim

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