Animals That Die During Or After Mating

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: Pexels

Animals that die during or after mating are called semelparous, which means they reproduce once and then die

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This is also known as suicidal reproduction. Some animals that die during or after mating include marsupials, spiders, and eels

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Here is a list of five animals that die during or after mating

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Male antechinuses are small marsupials that die after one to three week breeding season

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Many octopuses die shortly after mating. They expend all their energy in a single reproductive event

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Male praying mantises can die during or after mating with female praying mantises, who are known to eat their mates

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Pacific salmon die after spawning. This is because they put all their energy into reproducing and then age and die quickly

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Male green anacondas may die during or after mating. This is because female green anacondas are known to eat their mates 

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