Animals That Live Longer Than Humans 

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26 July 2024

There are several animals that are equipped with traits to hold off, and sometimes even stop or reverse, the ageing process

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Here's a list of such animals that live way longer than humans 

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Greenland sharks live deep in the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans. According to Live Science, these sharks can have a maximum life span of at least 272 years

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Bowhead whales are the longest-living mammals. Their exact life span is unknown, but some studies have suggested that they live up to 200 years 

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Giant Tortoises can live for almost 200 years. Notably, the longest surviving Seychelles Giant Tortoise is currently 190 years old 

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Red sea urchins are small, round invertebrates covered in spines. These sea creatures can live up to 200 years

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Saltwater crocodiles normally live for over 70 years. However, records of two especially long-lived crocs suggest they can live to over 120 years

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Turritopsis dohrnii is called the immortal jellyfish because it can potentially live forever. Once it reproduces, it reverts back to a polyp stage and lives its life over and over again

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Koi fish can live more than 200 years. The oldest member of this species reportedly lived up to the age of 226 years 

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Rougheye Rockfish is a deep-sea that can live up to 200 years, according to Scientific American

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