Animals With Blue, Green And Purple Blood

Image: Unsplash

29 September 2024

When we think of blood, the colour red typically comes to mind. In humans and many other animals, blood is red because of hemoglobin

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However, nature is full of surprises, and some animals have blood in hues of blue, green, and even purple

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Here's a list of animals with uniquely colored blood, including blue, green, and purple:

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Horseshoe Crab: Their blood is blue because it contains hemocyanin, which turns blue when it binds with oxygen

Image: X/@bethpratt

Spiders: Certain spiders, like tarantulas, have blue blood due to the presence of hemocyanin

Image: Pexels

Octopus: Like horseshoe crabs, octopuses also have blue blood thanks to hemocyanin.

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Scorpions: Their blood is blue for the same reason—hemocyanin.

Image: Pexels

Green Sea Turtles: Their blood can appear green because of a high concentration of biliverdin.

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Prasinohaema Skinks: Species like Prasinohaema skinks have green blood due to elevated levels of biliverdin.

Image: X/@tjalamont

Sea Cucumbers: Their blood can look purple due to the pigment hemerythrin, which turns purple when oxygenated

Image: Marine Stewardship Council

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