Animals With More Than One Heart

Image: Pixabay

22 March 2024

It seems bizarre, but there are some animals with more than one heart. And they can be found all around the world

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These multiple hearts help these animals meet their specific physiological needs, such as efficiently oxygenating their tissues

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Here's a list of a few well-known animals that have more than one heart beating to live

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Octopuses have three hearts. According to the Natural History Museum, one heart circulates blood around the body, the other two pump it past the gills to pick up oxygen

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Like octopuses, squids also boast 3 hearts for efficient blood circulation

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Hagfish are marine creatures that possess four hearts. One heart functions as the main circulatory organ, while the other three supplement its pumping power


Earthworms are harmless, often beneficial residents of the soil. They have five hearts that pump blood through their bodies

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Cuttlefish have three hearts and blue-green blood. One heart is for the whole body while the other hearts are for each set of gills

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Cephalopods have three hearts. The two hearts push oxygen-depleted blood through the gills while the systemic heart pumps the oxygenated blood throughout the body

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Leeches have multiple pairs of hearts, which help pump blood while they are feeding

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