Are There Any All-Female Species In The Wild?

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

Image: Pexels

Yes, there are some all-female species in the wild - a species of lizards called whiptail lizards

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In the diverse habitats of Northern Mexico and the southwest regions of the United States, there is a species of lizard that is entirely female

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The all-female whiptail lizards are parthenogenic, which means that they do not develop from the fusion of egg and sperm as a zygote

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These species appear quite distinct morphologically, as they've evolved to morph depending on their surrounding areas

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They can usually be identified by the presence of scaly skin and a tail that is whip-like and longer than their body

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Like most lizards, they also possess a forked tongue. They snack on insects, fruits, berries and small mammals

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However, unlike most lizards, they attain sexual maturity at the age of two and give birth to young ones all by themselves

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Whiptail lizards are the sole female-only species that is completely parthenogenetic on Earth

Image: Pexels

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