AS-24 Killjoy: Russia's 'Superweapon' In Ukraine War

Image: Reuters

In the ongoing war against Ukaine, Russia used a 'superweapon' - a hypersonic missile

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The UK's Ministry of Defence said that AS-24 Killjoy was used on December 14, 2023

Image: AFP

According to Newsweek, the missile can carry a nuclear payload

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The AS-24 Killjoy can travel at exceptionally high velocities - up to 10 times the speed of sound

Image Credit: AFP

This is faster than the HIMARS rocket system the US has given Ukraine

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The missile can hit targets as far away as 1,250 miles or 2,011 kmph

Image: Reuters

The UK's defence ministry said at least one AS-Killjoy was used by the Russian Air Force

Image: Reuters

It is one of the six 'superweapons' announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2018

Image: Reuters

Russia has reserved the Killjoy for what it considers to be high-value, well defended targets

Image: Reuters

Hypersonic missiles are thought to represent the next generation of arms

Image: AFP

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