Astronauts Reveal What Space And ISS Smell Like 

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4 May 2024

We can't smell space directly, because our noses don't work in a vacuum. But astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) have described some unusual scents in space 

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You will be surprised to know that just like Earth, the universe emits various types of smells and most of them are unpleasant

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According to BBC, astronauts who have gone on various space missions, have described strong odours clinging to their suits after they return to their chambers

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During the Apollo moon landings, the astronauts described the scent as gunpowder-like, while those who went to the ISS compared it to burnt steak

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Rosetta spacecraft also detected compounds responsible for the smell of rotten eggs, bitter almonds and cat urine, boiling off from the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 

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NASA astronaut Scott Kelly said the ISS smells like a combination of antiseptic, garbage, and body odour

Image: Instagram/@stationcdrkelly

UK astronaut Tim Peake said the space station smell is “like a barbecue that's gone wrong”

Image: x/@astro_timpeake

Tim Peake has also spoken about what space smells like, describing it as "like static electricity"

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Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti mentioned a “peculiar odour” she had to adjust to while working on board the Space Station


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