Dates and milk may seem like an unexpected food combination. However, consuming them together has surprising health benefits.
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Here are some of the health benefits of consuming dates and milk:
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Provides energy It is a food combination that is often eaten after a long fast as it provides instant energy. Dates are packed with natural sugars and milk has protein and carbohydrates.
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Muscle recovery Dates help replenish glycogen levels while protein in milk helps repair the muscles.
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Aids digestion Fibre in dates helps in easing constipation, while milk's probiotics promotes a healthy gut environment.
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Heart health The potassium in dates and healthy fats in milk can support cardiovascular wellness. Consuming in moderation is the trick.
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Aids weight management Dates keep you full owing to fibre content in them while milk's protein curbs cravings.
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Strengthens bones Milk's calcium and vitamin D paired with dates' magnesium and phosphorus strengthens bones.