Birds That Are Easy To Train

By: EjazUlHaqBhat

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Birds can be trained to perform a variety of tricks and skills, and some species are easy to train

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These birds are known for their intelligence, thus making them ideal learners

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Here are some of the birds that are easy to train

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Budgies, also known as parakeets or budgerigars, are intelligent and can learn to talk and perform tricks easily. They are affectionate and friendly, and can be great companions

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Cockatiels are known for being easy to train and can mimic sounds, words, and noises. They are relatively small, so they don't take up too much space in your home

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African grey parrots are among the smartest birds in the world and can learn a large vocabulary. They are known for their mimicry, social skills, and captivating appearance

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Blue-headed parrots are easy to train due to their intelligent, affectionate nature while also being relatively independent and content with their own company

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Lovebirds are motivated by affection and eager to please, making them ideal learners. Young lovebirds are more affectionate and better able to learn tricks than adults

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