Bison Herd Locks Away Tons Of Carbon


17 May 2024

Bison in Romania could offset the CO2 equivalent to 2 million cars, a Yale study has suggested

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Bison behaviours like grazing and soil compaction aid in carbon storage, the researchers have found

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In the study, lead author Oswald Schmitz has highlighted the role of bison in maintaining healthy ecosystems

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European bison were absent from Romania's Arcu Mountains for nearly 200 years

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Today, the Arcu Mountains house one of Europe's largest free-roaming bison populations

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The study said that bison's reintroduction has helped in restoring balance and capturing carbon, thereby benefiting climate and biodiversity

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Protecting nine key animal species, including bison, could capture 6.4 billion tonnes of CO2 annually

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This amount equals the yearly emissions of the United States, Mr Schmitz has said in the research

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Reintroducing European bison is advocated as a nature-based climate solution with biodiversity benefits

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Alexander Lees of Manchester Metropolitan University has also supported bison reintroduction for climate and conservation

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