Brain Burns 500 Calories Just By Thinking

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13 May 2024

The human brain, a marvel of complexity and cognition, is constantly engaged in processing information and solving problems

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But how much energy does this mental activity consume? Read further to know more

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Despite comprising only about 2% of the body's weight, the brain's uses approximately 20% of the body's total energy

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That translates to 400 or 500 calories per day for an average woman or man, according to experts

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During childhood, the brain can use upwards of 60% of the body's energy, as per Livescience

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The exact number of calories burned during specific mental tasks varies depending on factors such as intensity and duration

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For example, basic cognitive functions such as reading and writing entail modest energy costs, ranging from 20 to 50 calories per hour

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Engaging in more demanding mental activities, such as problem-solving or critical thinking can elevate the brain's energy consumption

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ESPN said in a report that elite chess players can burn up to an estimated 6,000 calories in one day - without moving from their seats

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