Briefcase To Tablet: A Brief History Of Budget Papers

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For decades, finance ministers were photographed carrying a briefcase into Parliament. Nirmala Sitharaman switched to the Budget tablet

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Let's take a look at the history behind the Union Budget presentation exercise

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RK Shanmukham Chetty, the first Finance Minister of independent India, continued with the British-era tradition by carrying the Budget documents in a leather portfolio bag

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This tradition continued for the next few years as finance ministers used different briefcases for the Budget ceremony

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The old 'budget briefcase' was replaced with the 'bahi khata' soon after the Narendra Modi-led government secured a second consecutive term in 2019

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For her first Budget, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman carried a red-coloured 'bahi khata' in 2019, instead of the briefcase

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In 2021, the traditional 'bahi khata' was replaced with a device. Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Budget in a paperless format, using a 'Made in India' tablet

Image: PTI

Nirmala Sitharaman carried the tablet in a red 'bahi khata'-style sleeve in 2021 and continued this practice in 2022 and 2023

Image: PTI

This year too, Nirmala Sitharaman walked out of the finance ministry with a tablet in a red "bahi-khata" sleeve and the national emblem emblazoned on it

Image: PTI

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