Brokewell: New Malware Threatening Android Phones

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02 May 2024

Security researchers have uncovered a new banking malware called 'Brokewell'

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The money-stealing virus is sent as fake Google Chrome update and targets banking apps

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Experts have said that it is targeting Android phones on which Chrome is the default browser

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Brokewell has powerful device takeover capabilities and can target unsuspecting victims

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Experts said it creates an overlay screen in front of real apps to capture login details

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The malware can also steal session cookies - an increasingly common technique to bypass multi-factor authentication

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Experts said Brokewell belongs to a previously unseen malware family and can conduct full device takeover

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Forbes said the malware is still under development, and new commands are being added "daily"

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From deceptive apps to phishing scams, malware comes in many forms

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It often masquerades as legitimate software, which is why users need to be vigilant

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