There are several cat breeds that are born without tails or have a genetic predisposition to having a shortened or kinked tail. Here are some of the most notable breeds:
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1. Manx: Originating from the Isle of Man, the Manx breed is known for its taillessness. This breed comes in a variety of coat lengths and colours
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2. Cymric: Similar to the Manx, the Cymric breed is also known for its lack of tail. This breed is often considered a long-haired version of the Manx
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3. American Bobtail: The American Bobtail breed has a distinctive short tail, which is usually around 1-4 inches in length. This breed comes in a variety of coat lengths and colours
Image: X/@Sherpa_k2
4. Japanese Bobtail: Similar to the American Bobtail, the Japanese Bobtail breed also has a short tail. This breed is known for its striking coat patterns and colours
Image: X/@MargaritaBloom
5. Pixie-bob: The Pixie-bob breed is a hybrid breed that is known for its lack of tail. This breed is a cross between a domestic cat and the American Bobtail
Image: X/@catcastletails
The genetics of taillessness in cats are complex and involve multiple genes
Image: X/@MargaritaBloom
The Manx breed, for example, has a dominant gene that causes taillessness. However, this gene can also cause spinal problems and other health issues
Image: X/@_potatobag
Some breeds, like the Manx, can be prone to spinal problems and other health issues due to their genetic makeup