Cats Of This Breed Live Longest

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14 May 2024

Burmese and Birman cats boast the longest life expectancies among pet breeds, while Sphynx cats have the shortest, as revealed by a study

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Published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, the research focused on cats that died between January 2019 and March 2021

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Dan O'Neill, a co-author of the study, emphasised the research's aim to empower cat owners with data for informed decisions

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To provide a comprehensive view, researchers developed "life tables" estimating cats' average remaining life expectancy at different ages

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The study found pet cats had an average life expectancy of 11.7 years at birth, with crossbred cats generally outliving purebred ones by about 1.5 years

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Burmese and Birman cats topped the list with an average life expectancy of 14.4 years each, while Sphynx cats lagged significantly at 6.7 years

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Factors beyond breed also influenced life expectancy, with females and altered cats living longer

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Cultural preferences, including indoor versus outdoor lifestyles, were cited as influencing a cat's estimated lifespan

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The life tables provide valuable insights for cat owners in making decisions about adoption

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The study's emotional impact prompted many cat owners to reflect on cherishing their pets' time and relationships

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