Chemicals Seep Through Human Skin

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27 June 2024

University of Birmingham researchers found PFAS chemicals can penetrate human skin, challenging previous assumptions

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These "forever chemicals" were initially known for toxicity and are widespread in consumer products

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Recent experiments used a 3D skin model to demonstrate absorption rates of PFAS variants

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Out of 17 tested PFAS, 15 were absorbed by the skin model within 36 hours

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PFOA, a phased-out PFAS, can still enter the bloodstream and linger in skin

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Roughly 13.5% of PFOA applied to the model entered the bloodstream directly

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Newer PFAS variants like PFPeA show higher absorption rates into the skin

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Studies suggest systemic toxicity of PFPeA in animal models and ethical concerns in human testing

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The research highlights concerns over PFAS exposure from everyday products like sunscreen

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The study underscores gaps in understanding PFAS health effects and calls for further research

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