Clever Creatures: Most Intelligent Animals

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Chimpanzees can be characterized by their aptitude for social interaction and problem-solving. They share 98.7% of their DNA with humans

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Dolphins are excellent communicators and problem solvers. The size of their brain is considerably larger than that of humans

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Elephants exhibit high intellect and are known to show empathy towards other creatures

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Octopuses have outstanding spatial awareness and are known for being hyper-aware of their surroundings

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African Grey Parrots can perform profound mimicry and have great cognitive abilities

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Bumblebees demonstrate a high level of intelligence when it comes to communicating with their colony, navigation and problem-solving

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Orangutans demonstrate advanced tool usage and analytical abilities

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Crows and ravens are corvids with high levels of intelligence. Some reports suggest that some of these creatures are smarter than an adult ape 

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