Cold-Blooded Animals Found In The Wild
By: EjazUlHaqBhat
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Cold-blooded animals, also known as poikilotherms, are found in many different habitats
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Here are six cold-blooded animals found in the wild
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Komodo dragons are cold-blooded, as they rely on external heat sources to warm their bodies. They are commonly found in the wild
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Alligators are cold-blooded animals. They regulate body temperature by basking in the sun, moving to areas with warmer or cooler air
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Crocodiles have a fluctuating body temperature too. They rely on the sun and water to regulate their body temperature
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Green iguanas are cold-blooded, as they can't regulate their internal body temperature and they rely on the outside temperature to stay warm
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King cobras are cold-blooded because their three-chambered hearts partially mix oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
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Like other reptiles, galpagos tortoises are cold-blooded and use external heat to regulate their body temperature
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