Countries With Most Time Zones

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4 July 2024

Time zones are a complex matter. They are divided on the basis of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) which ranges from UTC -12:00 in the west to UTC+14:00 in the east

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Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and UTC are interchangeably used as they share the same time. GMT is a time zone, while UTC is a time standard

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Here is a list of countries which have several time zones

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Owing to the number of territories it governs beyond Europe, France has 12 (and for a period of the year 13) time zones

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Russia is second on the list with 11 time zones

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The US has 11 time zones. Five zones are found in the Pacific Ocean, five on continental America, and the last zone around the Caribbean

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Australia is next on the list with nine time zones. The mainland of Australia operates zones between UTC +08:00 and UTC +10:00

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The UK also has nine time zones. The main territory surrounding London is in the UTC 00:00 time zone at the center of the world 

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Canada, Denmark and New Zealand are also on the list with five time zones each

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