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Countries With Most Number Of Tanks In 2024

11 Apr 2024

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Global Firepower's 2024 rankings reveal that Russia leads the global tank fleet with an impressive count of 14,777 tanks, maintaining its dominance

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Following closely behind is North Korea, boasting a formidable tank force numbering 5,845 units, securing the second spot

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Egypt claims the third position with a substantial tank fleet strength of 5,340, showcasing its military prowess

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China stands fourth on the list with a formidable tank force of 5,000 units, reflecting its robust defense capabilities

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The United States, with 4,657 tanks, ranks fifth in the world, underscoring its significant military might

Image credit: Twitter/ADG PI

India holds the sixth position with a formidable tank fleet numbering 4,614, highlighting its defence preparedness

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Pakistan secures the seventh spot with 3,742 tanks, asserting its presence in the global military landscape

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Syria's tank fleet strength of 2,720 units positions it in eighth place, despite its ongoing conflict

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South Korea follows closely behind at ninth place with a tank force of 2,501 units, emphasising its defence capabilities

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Turkey rounds up the top ten with a tank fleet strength of 2,231, maintaining its standing in regional security

Image credit: Twitter/ADG PI

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