Different Mating Habits Of Animals
By: EjazUlHaqBhat
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Different animals have different mating habits, including monogamy, polygyny, polygynandry, cloaca mating etc
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In monogamous species, copulation is more random and sperm quality varies more than in polygamous species
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In polygyny, one male mates with multiple females during a breeding season. This is the mating system of some primates, lions, and deer
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In polygynandrous groups, multiple males and females mate with each other. Males may also care for the broods of multiple females
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Most birds mate through the cloaca, an opening in both males and females that allows for fertilisation and waste elimination
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Some species kill their partners during or after mating like female praying mantises may eat the head of the male during mating
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Some species use their appearance to attract mates like male red-capped manakins have colourful feathers and can dance to attract potential mates
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Male mallards (drakes) have iridescent green heads, white collars, and curly black upper tail feathers to attract female ducks
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