E-Cigarettes Linked To Lung Cancer

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21 May 2024

A new study has claimed that smokers who took up vaping are more likely to develop lung cancer

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The research has been conducted in South Korea. It is based on analysis of 4.3 million former smokers

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The team led by Yeon Wook Kim took readings at two time points: 2012-2014, 2018, and in a follow-up in December 2021

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In follow-up readings, researchers found that 53,354 individuals had developed lung cancer and 6,351 died from it

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Vapes or e-cigarettes create an aerosol by using battery to heat up liquid that usually contains nicotine, flavorings and other additives

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Many healthcare professionals and organisations believe e-cigarettes are substantially safer than smoking tobacco

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It is also recommended as a tool to help quit smoking cigarettes, but it's unlikely they are risk-free in the long term

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Dangerous chemicals found in vaping products that can damage lungs include acrolein, formaldehyde, diacetyl, said Ashley Merianos

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The expert further said there is new evidence evidence that suggests vaping may be linked to lung problems, including asthma

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However, no evidence is present that links vaping directly to cancer

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