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Runners Outlive Most People: Here's Why

30 July 2024

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A study shows elite runners may live longer by pushing their bodies to the max

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The study analyzed 200 athletes who ran a mile under 4 minutes from the 1950s-1970s

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These runners lived almost five years longer than the general population, contradicting some views

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The research suggests extreme exercise might benefit some, rather than harm, long-term health

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There's uncertainty about whether exercising more than recommended is beneficial or detrimental

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Some scientists believe high-intensity sports may stress the heart, increasing early death risk

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However, Harvard research found exercising beyond guidelines lowers death risk by 30 percent

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Studies on Tour de France cyclists and Olympians also show increased lifespans

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The new study found under-4-minute milers in the 1960s had higher life expectancy

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The study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, suggests exercise extends lifespan

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