Essential Tips For Protecting Hair During Monsoon

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22 July 2024

The humidity and rain during monsoon can pose a challenge while managing your hair

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Whether you have straight locks or curly waves, the moisture-laden air can turn your carefully styled hair into a frizzy mess within minutes

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Here are some tips to protect your hair from humidity and rain

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Shampooing is essential as your scalp tends to get oily and attract dirt. Opt for a shampoo with natural ingredients which helps control excess oil and keep scalp healthy

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Heat styling tools can damage your hair. Avoid using curling irons, straighteners, and blow dryers on your hair and try to embrace its natural texture

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Protect your hair from rainwater. Use a scarf or an umbrella. If your hair gets wet, immediately rinse it out with clean water to shield your scalp from infections

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Regular trims are vital for removing split ends and preventing damage. Hair tends to break easily during rainy season, so trimming it every 6-8 weeks is important 

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Use a wide-toothed comb. These are ideal for detangling wet hair without causing breakage. Avoid using brushes on wet hair as they can lead to hair fall

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Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet. It will provide vitamins and minerals that nourish your hair follicles, promoting strength, elasticity, and shine

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