Explore AICTE's Global Competition Aid For Students

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AICTE launches "Support to Students for Competitions Abroad" scheme, fostering global competitiveness among Indian students

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The scheme assists technical education students in competing at international scientific events, promoting excellence

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AICTE's initiative aims to provide travel assistance and registration fees for Indian students at global scientific competitions

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It offers up to Rs 2 lakh/student for international travel, lodging, competition fees, and related expenses

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Eligible students from AICTE-approved institutions can participate in international competitions under two proposed categories

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Minimum of 2 to 10 bachelor students can form a team for international events

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The scheme provides an opportunity for students to connect with industry leaders and peers worldwide 

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After competition completion, the maximum disbursement per student of Rs 1 lakh is provided upon submission of the required documents

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Candidates must send applications and required documents offline to AICTE in New Delhi two months before the event

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