Explore Stanford University's Free Online Courses

Stanford University's free online courses offer an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills and study emerging topics.

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Advanced Cybersecurity Programme provides fundamental concepts in information security and practical applications in cybersecurity and executive strategy

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Computer Science 101 course teaches logic, data, code, security basics

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Machine Learning Specialisation programme will teach you the fundamentals and techniques to build real-world AI applications

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Databases: Advanced Topics in Structured Query Language (SQL) covers indexes, transactions, constraints, triggers, views, and authorisation in relational database systems 

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R Programming Fundamentals introduces R, a language for statistical computing. Learn variables, datasets, function writing

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Game Theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational (and irrational) agents. The course will provide the basics: representing games and strategies

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Designing Your Career:  The online course aids all ages in career design with five concepts, videos, reflections

Image: online.stanford.edu

Introduction to Internet of Things guides through circuits, sensors, networking, cool applications, and embedded systems in IoT

Image: online.stanford.edu

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