Famous saltwater Lakes In India

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India is home to several famous saltwater lakes that are popular worldwide 

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Here is the list of six saltwater lakes in India

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Chilika Lake in Odisha is considered a brackish water lagoon, but its salinity varies by region

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Pulicat Lake is a saltwater lagoon and the second largest brackish water lake in India after Chilika Lake

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Lonar lake in Maharashtra, world's only saltwater lake in basaltic rock, is believed to have been formed by a meteorite that hit Earth around 52,000 years ago

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Pangong Tso in Ladakh, a sparkling blue water lake, is the world's highest saltwater lake at an altitude of over 4,000 meter

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Pachpadra Lake in Rajasthan is also a saltwater lake with a sodium chloride level of 98 per cent 

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Sambhar Lake in Rajasthan, designated as a Ramsar site, is the largest saltwater lake in India

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